Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Transformative Fasting: Disciples’ Network Singles Seek Freedom from Individual and Family Patterns

Singles in the Wait from Disciples Network had three days of fasting and praying from Thursday 11 April to Saturday 13 April 2024. The prayers focused on asking for God’s intervention to transform the singles from the negative behaviors developed from family patterns. By the grace of God, about 28 single ladies and 16 single brothers attended the prayers.

Many of us have seen how certain patterns in our families can hold us back from reaching our full potential. These patterns, passed down through generations, can sometimes act like roadblocks, stopping us from living our best lives. As singles, waiting for the right time to start families of our own, we’ve decided to take action. We believe prayer is a powerful tool that can help us break free from these patterns, not just for ourselves but for the generations that will come after us.

These family patterns have influenced bad attitudes and behaviors in our lives that hinder the blessings in dimensions of physical and spiritual growth. Reflecting Romans 12:2 which says “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (KJV), the singles have realized that they need God’s help to be transformed from the hindrance behaviors. As the Singles engaged in the prayers, the presence of the Holy Spirit dominated the atmosphere, which drove passionate singles to pray incessantly for their transformation and deliverance from family patterns

Impact of the Journey

The prayers have brought the power of transformation to singles. The signs of impact manifested in the spirit through visions, signs, and dreams. Huge testimonies have started to be given out and the fire of revival has been kindled among the singles.

An invite to join the journey of transformation

Are you passionate about God’s intervention to transform your life? Please be attentive to the continuation of our fellowship prayers updates. Disciples Network Singles in the Wait kindly invites you to join their Whatsapp and Telegram groups for Learning and Prayer Updates. In these groups, you’ll have the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics, experiences from  others spiritual insights, and everything in between. The topics shared cover all  aspects of the lives of singles.

Please call this number (0765 023 668) to be added to the groups.